Branding Lessons We Can Learn On Strong Leadership from President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

Branding Lessons We Can Learn On Strong Leadership from President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

Branding Lessons We Can Learn On Strong Leadership from President Zelenskyy of Ukraine


What is immediately evident is that this President is not a typical politician…

The man that walks openly with his people in war torn districts and greeted with love and relief. Like #PrincessDiana, he has an incredibly strong relationship with his people and their freedom.

Three and a half years ago, I watched as President #Zelenskyy went live on Facebook for the first time. I watched and was moved by the honesty of his need for humanitarian aid and the genuine urgency for the safety of his people.  In a moment, I was convinced of his strength and commitment.

As we investigate Zelenskyy’s personal #brand, we can quickly identify some key attributes that are consistent with great leaders.

Loyalty & Longevity:

To many he has suddenly gained a global platform, urgently seeking #military and humanitarian aid.

However, the truth is #Ukraine has been under attack for nearly ten years… and ten months ago this escalated to a significant military invasion.

His longevity to this cause has been as inspiring as his unwavering #leadership of his country. A campaign that has scaffolded a decade, reveals his commitment to the long-term wellbeing of Ukrainians. As territories are regained from Russian occupation and the war atrocities revealed, the world has witnessed his loyalty to his citizens in continuing to fight for their freedom despite overwhelming odds.

A true David and Goliath story…

For Eastern Europe his leadership in fighting for #Freedom has acted as the #ShieldOfEurope against the offensive attacks from an increasingly oppressive, out-dated and overbearing authoritarian leadership of Putin. The USSR seeking resources and consuming other border countries as opposed to cultivating the culture, innovation and potential of his people.

Presidential & Patriotism:

@Time magazine recently named Zelenskyy as Person of the Year and identified the Spirit of the Ukrainian People a clear indication that this leadership inevitably leads to loyalty and a patriotism that inspires others. 

Determining and defining the best course for a long-term successful outcome, despite the personal losses. To convince a country that war is the only choice and to command a nation to maintain this stance when hope seems lost requires an individual to be self-assured, confident as well as powerfully position the presidential political process with transparency.

Encouraging and Engaging:

If you have visited the social media of the President, you will see a consistent presence, grateful for the support from other powerful leaders, commitment in turn to support other nations in famine conditions while on Defence Ukraine you will see a hopeful and undefeated country. 

In popular politics and pop culture, likes and followers can be deemed endorsement and sway judgement. Often the most responsible and caring decision is unpopular and confrontational. It requires researching, investigating and judicious decision-making. Educating people with a transparency and promoting the simple truth without propaganda. Then, presenting a strong case with dignity and diplomacy.

Virility & Veracity:

The President is young, determined and driven; with a wealth of leadership experience; a role model for positive and persuasive male leadership globally. Many world leaders could take notes… strong, sustainable leadership that considering the end goal. Both men and women have noted his innate confidence, calm manner and manly, casual attire. His leadership inspires a more grounded approach, a leadership that promotes the ultimate reveals his compassion and caring for his people.

His leadership heralds a return of strength and masculinity that stands against hate, sponsors equality and humanitarian aid, and most importantly, the protection of women and children and the deep caring for his citizens.

It takes a strong man to set aside pride and request assistance. To rise above the helplessness of a situation and reach out for help because more was at stake then mere ego.

A boldness to step forward and place your leadership in a vulnerable place, of global review.

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By Rachel Quilty The Brand Architect at Jump the Q Inc



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“When it comes to branding and creating your celebrity image, there is no better Expert on the subject than Rachel Quilty of Jump the Q. Rachel’s professionalism, quality, and attention to detail is exemplary. She not only walks the talk, but gets the result for her clients and her students worldwide in terms of brand recognition. It is my pleasure to recommend her book to you if you are looking to go to the next level with your Personal Brand to achieve greater success. “

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Nothing will pay greater dividends than building a personal brand. Rachel Quilty’s Brand Yourself book is a great way to start your own personal branding process.”

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@RachelQuilty #Quote #TheBrandArchitect #JumptheQ “Personal Branding Tip. Become The Only Choice Brand In Your Field. Position yourself so there is no alternative. You are the ‘only choice’ Brand.”



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Personal Branding Tip #00 Be Bolder…Personal Branding is discovering your true authentic self, your unique abilities and your audaciousness to share them.

@RachelQuilty #TheBrandArchitect #JumptheQ





Brand Yourself Like Lady Gaga:

Brand Yourself Like Lady Gaga: Be shockingly different

Build an Ionic Brand

Build an Ionic Brand

Harvard Business School Associate Professor Anita Elberse, claimed that Gaga was, “by many measures, the biggest celebrity on the planet. Gaga is a marketing phenomenon.” The 51st Super Bowl Half-time Show illustrates Lady Gaga’s iconic brand status.

Celebrated for both her outré style and musical prowess, the recording artist known as Lady Gaga is not only one of the world’s biggest pop stars, but also one of the most recognized brands.

We can learn an enormous amount from Lady Gaga on brand building. Following I have created The Branding Laws of Lady Gaga:

  1. Don’t Fail to Understand Who You Are: Understand your brand archetype and those which best represent your brand audience. You need a great product or story. Position yourself as the archetype which appeals to your audience while remain true to your brand’s essence.
  2. Don’t Scared to Be Different: Instead, be shockingly different. Gaga is a master of standing out and being controversial. This behavior is rewarded with an abundance of media coverage and attention. Standing out wins.
  3. Don’t Let Others Determine Your Path: Follow your dream and persist. If the establishments rules don’t work, rewrite them. Gaga was initially rejected by a very skeptical recording-industry establishment, so Gaga fed her music and promotional content directly to her fans, via social media.
  4. Don’t Compromise Your Brand: Stand by your brand and what it represents. Be vulnerable, honest, open and you will create strong relationships based on trust.
  5. Don’t Forget Who Is Boss: Treat the consumer like your boss and honour them as essential part of your community.
  6. Don’t Forget Brand Communication Equals Market Share: Lady Gaga understands the importance of online communities: she’s recently unveiled Little Monsters and communicates about personal issues and subject frequently.
  7. Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Your Brand Experience: Create a collective experience. Gaga’s brands prioritize the consumer experience and deliver it with flawless execution.
  8. Don’t Forget to Invite Your Audience to Be More: Encourage you audience to express their individuality as well. The lesson is to fear mediocrity and remaining in the crowd target like-minded individuals and create a brand movement.
  9. Don’t Overlook Gratitude: Gaga understands that humility is key to building an at times frenzied community of supporters. Show appreciation for fans, reward them for their loyalty and treat them to perks for their support.
  10. Don’t Forget Details Matter: Gaga obsesses over all the details related to her product and brand.
  11. Don’t Give Away the Magic: Lady Gaga is about more than only music. Your audience wants something that will solve their problems in a simple way, when creating content and developing marketing strategies, amplify the magic (benefits) of the product by down-playing how (features) the magic happens.
  12. Don’t Think Branding Is A One-Time Activity: Branding is a lifestyle. Gaga has made fame and marketing her brand a lifestyle. Every appearance, performance or song release has her brand marketing as an essential part of its DNA. Branding is an everyday mindset
  13. Don’t Forget to Act Famous: Gaga treats all of her time in public like a performance. “There’s an art to fame,” which enables Gaga to establish a highly personal connection and cut through the clutter. Lady Gaga has mastered, in her own words, the ‘art of fame’ and was a diligent student in the ‘sociology of fame.’
  14. Don’t Be Boring: Create “Curious disbelief” is simply getting consumers curious enough – to: one, pay attention; two, care; and three, act. After a disheartening experience at a University Bar, Gaga discovered, ‘Sex sells…’ as she proceeded to strip to her lingerie for the balance of the performance. You only have to watch one of her music video and you’ll see a work of conceptual porn and artistry. But Lady Gaga understands viral marketing better than most.
  15. Don’t Be Afraid to Share the Stage: Lady Gaga entertains profitable tie-ins with (other) brands and products. Most of these ‘brand partnerships’. Gaga leverages buzz by sharing the limelight with other, mightier entertainment brands than her own.
  16. Don’t Forget to Perform: Once Gaga has your attention you know you’re bound to witness quite a show. Ultimately, your brand performance is your brand promise. As they say in the entertainment industry, “You’re only as good as your last performance.” Remember, brands evolve and it’s important to adopt similar to Gaga a process of constant improvement and reinvention.

Branding yourself like Lady Gaga, essentially comes down to one key factor: loyalty.

  • Be loyal to yourself and your brand.
  • Be loyal to your community and their concerns.
  • Be loyal to your brand message and mission.
  • Be loyal to your brand promise and commitments.
  • Be loyal to being the best Brand Ambassador you can be.

Brands are constantly working to stand out in a crowded industry. Lady Gaga was trying to do the same thing in the over-crowded music industry. Gaga won where others lost because she obsessed about fame and connecting the events of her past experiences and life to create a sensational brand story.

Timing is everything, they say and Gaga has almost unrivaled sense of timing. She pauses and builds momentum at all of the right times. As 120,000 million paused for the Super Bowl Half time show we were again reminded why Gaga has us enthralled with her capacity to entertain and to encourage people to be more.


Brand Yourself! And Jump the Q! Your personal brand should reflect your abilities and potential. Rachel Quilty, Personal Brand Strategist & Chief Dream-caster, known as ‘the Authority’ on personal branding and author of must- have instructional manual ‘Brand Yourself’.

Jump the Q assists you to strategically and systematically leverage your professional profile and build your personal brand to become the authority in your industry. Grab your free Personal Branding Blueprint full of strategies, tactics and tips.

We assist you to develop your personal brand strategy by:

– discovering your strategic purpose and brand

– designing your best personal brand.

– devising a personal PR, media and brand marketing plan.

– developing your signature brand.

Thanks for reading! 🙂 If you enjoyed it, hit the share button and leave a comment. It would mean a lot to me and it helps other people find their brand story.

Remember, go to and grab a copy of Jump the Q’s FREE Strategic Brand Blueprint and Work Journal.






Brand Yourself like Donald Trump



“Donald Trump is the real deal. “Celebrity Brand Commentator Rachel Quilty, CEO of Jump the Q states, “One of the most notable branding trends for 2016 onwards is the desire for authenticity and social responsibility and Trump delivers in his outspoken tell-it-how-it-is manner.”

People knew who they were getting. No hidden agenda.

Trump didn’t brand himself as a politician but a business man who couldn’t be bought, who was willing get his hands dirty to fix the US political crisis and fight the smooth self-interested stances of career politicians.

Trump branded himself as an authority not in politics but in the business of winning. Yesterday the citizens of the USA choose a different path. They effectively said, “We are sick of the lies, self-interest, dirty politics and even dirtier politicians. Hilary… You’re fired!”


Like Trump, posithillary-youre-firedion yourself with your personal brand.  You should develop the habit of continually thinking about how you are positioned in the hearts and minds of your client, customers and constituents. Your brand should identify you as a leader and therefore, should be distinctive and visible as well as being consistent.

Within the Jump the Q’s Brand Yourself Action Plan, we consider the principles of positioning your personal brand as an AUTHORITY in your industry or field.

Let’s consider some of the significant branding insights and lessons we can learn when Brand Yourself the Authority like Donald Trump: –

A = Attributes

What is the best positive personality to support your brand?  People largely accept you, initially at your own evaluation of yourself.

Donald Trump is arrogant and opinionated so why would you vote for him. Well, I call it the Doctor Complex. Who would you like to perform your surgery a confident, slightly arrogant surgeon with some swag and potential sway with God or an individual whose hung around enough, know the ropes and who may be able to do the job.   Trump is a fighter and he can have a laugh at himself. Think, Hair.

U = Unique

How do your express yourself in a unique way?

What is distinctive about you?

The Trump brand is uniquely positioned with success and winning.  When you have made, it you purchase a Penthouse in a Trump Towers building. The apartments in Trump towers, Waikiki allegedly sold out in 45 minutes. Trump reveals himself as a fighter with a strong work ethic and sense of achievement always striving for success without necessarily forgetting his roots and humbling experience of almost bankruptcy.

T = Territory

Focus your brand on area of achievement.

What one area of specialization will be the most helpful to my brand?

What’s your niche?

Trump becomes the man in the arena. Who elects to step out of his comfort zone, to do what he considers the right thing to do? He questioned the erosion of solid, middle class Christian values, the very values that made the USA great. He questioned a government that placed business interests and war profiteering over protecting those at home through socially responsible actions. By rejecting campaign funds, Trump made a statement that big businesses were no longer going to be wiping their hands of their responsibilities while rubbing their hands as they profited from the poor and uneducated through political shenanigans.

H = Hook

Focus your brand on area of achievement.

What one area of specialization will be the most helpful to my brand? What’s your niche?

If you have watched the Sandra Bullock movie, A Brand Called Crisis, use can see a similar theme in Trump’s campaign. Basically, the USA is in crisis and only Trump can fix it. If you want to be on the winning team vote for Trump. Trump is synonymous with hard earned success.

O = Opportunity

When commencing a brand campaign you have to:-

  • Think like a Leader
  • Take advantage of opportunities
  • Take the opportunity to take a lead role
  • Say yes and then figure it out
  • Think like a marketer and tap into trends

We also saw a Rocky themed campaign emerge whereby the hero, is the underdog. All the elite boxers, underestimate a passionate, connected grass roots fighter. Also, we see the consistent message that Trump isn’t doing this for status or money or celebrity but because to him it was the right thing to do, because he cares and he can do something about it.

nelsonmandelaIn a tsunami of political correctness, watering down of values, of boarders compromised, the unethical creation of wars to obtain not peace but resources, Donald held the Trump card, “He didn’t need the lobby funding and the political machinations of suits in backrooms to be successful.”

Faith Popcorn remarked on this trend many years ago. Australian Media Commentator, Ida Buttrose again recently stated that people were overwhelmed and were seeking more values based, conservative choices consistent with the emerging branding trends.

R = Reliability

You must be congruent with your brand. Your public behavior should always be consistent with your private behavior. Treat everyone the same and always be the same.

Trump didn’t need waiver from his brand because he is his brand. While others questioned Clinton’s integrity and honesty, Trump remain brutally honest. Even when his integrity was questioned, the line of questioning was still consistent with his brand. I don’t think it’s brain surgery. Trump loves women and I don’t mean bimbo’s, I mean intelligent, articulate and classy women who can stand up and stand out in a world often dominated by men.

I = Image

A great brand develops a consistent identity or image

Determine that you want to be the best.

Develop a Signature Style that reflects who you are. Style is about projecting an accurate sense of yourself and your business. A coordinated, consistent and professional image becomes your signature.

Trump was well known for his economy. While he may have an extravagant lifestyle and home he certainly knows how to cut costs too. Trump is well -known for purchasing suits off the rack. Stating tailor made is a waste of money, if it fits off the rack, buy it.

Self-image and self-belief make or break individuals. Without a doubt, as Paris Hilton once said, “Confidence is so sexy.” And no-one could say that Trump wasn’t a cocky bastard. A backhanded compliment for sure, but what a tried and true successful fighter wasn’t brimming with confidence.

T = Trustworthy


Ensure your brand is reflects excellence and quality that can be trusted.

While Donald had fallen on hard times, he personally revealed his grit and resilience when he rebuilt his empire, remaining true to his values and principles. Wiki-leaks portrayed a side of Clinton that questioned her moral compass. Trumps compass and personal agenda has never been in doubt …

Trump proved real.


Y = Yourself

You are your own PR Dept. Your brand should:-

  • identify you as a leader
  • position yourself
  • commands authority
  • deliver on promises made

Trump spent very little on his communication campaign, successfully generating air time from social media updates.

During the campaign, Donald Trump remained himself. We saw a hardworking man who stopped to buy cookies, who graciously thanked the couple who helped him when he had tyre troubles and walked through a township riddled with hazardous waste run off. We saw his consistent family values reflected in the support of his family and in the manner, that he often spoke of family. We saw a genuine family man who felt morally obligated to take a stand.

As I learn more about Hilary, the more I became confused. Who was Hilary Clinton? And in terms of selling techniques, a confused mind says, No.

In a closing note, I would say that I think Hilary Clinton is an extremely hardworking strategist who has shown tremendous grit and professionalism. There may have been times when the novelty of the first woman President may have been seductive to some, but ultimately in a climate seeking authentic and bona fide honesty, change for changes sake wasn’t the victor as it was eight years ago.

And in branding terms your brand is your trust mark.  Within seconds we decide if we trust someone, whether we want to spend time with them, do business with them. Whether we want to elect them as our President.

Trust is the new currency. And in today’s political climate, Trump = Trust….


Brand Yourself! And Jump the Q! Your personal brand should reflect your abilities and potential. Rachel Quilty, Personal Brand Strategist & Chief Dream-caster, known as ‘the Authority’ on personal branding and author of must- have instructional manual ‘Brand Yourself’.

Jump the Q assists you to strategically and systematically leverage your professional profile and build your personal brand to become the authority in your industry. Grab your free personal branding blueprint full of strategies, tactics and tips. 

We assist you to develop your personal brand strategy by:

– discovering your strategic purpose and brand mission

– designing your best personal brand story and message

– developing your signature brand style and status.

Thanks for reading! 🙂 If you enjoyed it, hit that heart button and leave a comment. It would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story.

Remember, go to and grab a copy of Jump the Q’s FREE strategic brand blueprint and work journal.


