







You should develop the habit of continually thinking about how you are positioned in the hearts and minds of your client. Your brand should identify you as a leader and therefore, should be distinctive and visible as well as being consistent.

Brand Yourself the Authority

Brand Yourself the Authority

Within the Brand Yourself Action Plan, we consider the principles of positioning your personal brand as an AUTHORITY in your industry or field.

Briefly the principles are:
A = Attributes
U = Unique
T = Territory
H = Hook
O = Opportunity
R = Reliability
I = Image
T = Trustworthy
Y = Yourself
Personal branding differs from image management as it relies on consciously creating an image to fit with others’ expectations.

Personal branding is founded in a sincere and authentic communication of who you are. It is important that you ensure your image and brand accurately reflects you, your potential and your desired results.

Strategic image management is the deliberate and favorable impression created to assist others to believe the evidence of what they see. If you present yourself visually and behaviorally as a successful person, others will respond to you accordingly.


The first step to building a successful personal brand is to determine what your current image really is. We all have an image and the challenge is to develop an accurate picture of you as perceived by others.

Within Action Step 1 we investigate your current brand and brand equity. Your reputation or ‘brand equity’ is one of the few resources that you have with a sustainable competitive advantage.

Your reputation is an asset to be created, nurtured and used to your advantage.

This increased perceived value allows you to ‘premium price’ your services. Research has also indicated that seventy percent of a market is willing to pay an additional twenty percent premium on branded products, and forty percent have indicated a willingness to pay a thirty percent premium.

Improving your professional image and personal brand is an investment in building your personal profile, reputation and the results you will achieve. And deserve to achieve.

Brand Yourself! And Jump the Q! Your personal brand should reflect your abilities and potential. Rachel Quilty, Personal Brand Strategist & Chief Dream-caster, known as ‘the Authority’ on

personal branding and author of must- have instructional manual ‘Brand Yourself’.

Jump the Q assists you to strategically and systematically leverage your professional profile and build your personal brand to become the authority in your industry. Grab your free personal branding blueprint full of strategies, tactics and tips.

We assist you to develop your personal brand strategy by:

– discovering your strategic purpose and brand

– designing your best personal brand.

– devising a personal PR, media and brand marketing plan.

– developing your signature brand.

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Remember, go to and grab a copy of Jump the Q’s FREE strategic brand blueprint and work journal.







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