First impressions count. Within six seconds a person has formed an opinion. We have made an irreversible first impression.

A first impression is made up of: • fifty-five percent visual • thirty-eight percent tonality • seven percent the words we use

In reality, it’s less about what we say, but rather how we actually say it.

Every one of us has a preferred learning or representational system. We are primarily visual, auditory, kinesthetic or audio digital.

Approximately sixty percent of people are visual. That means, sixty percent of people who we contact will take in our appearance. They usually are the people who can tell you what everyone was wearing at a networking function.

Keep in mind most people will firstly judge you by what you wear, then how you speak, then the words you say. Every day people judge you – before you have said a word.

Before you have said a word your appearance has said a lot about you. The question is, what is it saying about you?

The Halo Effect.

It is important to understand that all individuals draw conclusions, an immediate emotional decision is made and then we justify it logically. For example:

  • our minds are like pigeon holes, labels and stereotypes
  • we like to understand things
  • we are very quick to notice things which are not right, seem out of place or different. What’s not appropriate!

If you have a positive personal brand, you are attributed with other positive aspects. This is known as the Halo Effect.

For example, if you look confident, you will be perceived as competent and intelligent. You are likely to be a nice person. Good at your job.

You will be good to do business with. People will be more willing to accept your prices and will question you less.

The Halo Effect also is seen in a greater willingness by others to forgive transgressions.

Learn how you can quickly and easily develop a strategic image to match your potential with a signature style.

A more significant aspect of the psychology of a first impression is that within later encounters we track and recognize actions or behavior that supports our first impression, validating our first decision. Even if it was wrong.

If we create a negative first impression, it takes a lot of work to change it. If you don’t have a positive image people, will challenge your product, prices and question your service and quality. You will not be afforded the same opportunities, promotions and attention. This is called the Horn Effect.

An old OPSM® glasses television advertisement provides an excellent illustration of the power of branding. The sales assistant initially seems young and incapable of helping a more mature customer.

The customer perceiving a lack of expertise and authority requests her supervisor. The same sales assistant returns from the back office with her hair up and glasses looking more professional and credible. She is immediately afforded more respect by the customer.

Isn’t that amazing … same person, different personal brand, different image, different manner, and the outcome is a different perception of abilities. This happens every day.

Improving your professional image has a direct effect of improving your perceived professionalism and the quality of your brand. Discover how you can create your strategic image and catapult your influence … and develop your own signature style.

Your personal brand directly influences:

  • your thinking
  • what you feel
  • your behavior, and
  • others you interact with and their thoughts, feelings and behavior

Therefore, your personal brand directly affects your reputation and others’ perception of you.

Often our personal brand identity and what our brand stands for are more influential than our track record. We often say in the industry,

“An ounce of image is worth a tonne of performance.”

Never believe that your output is of more value than your personal branding and professional image.

A great track record of performance built on intelligence, skill and hard work is certainly a prerequisite for delivering your brand promise.

However, a positive, professional personal brand that ignites people, mobilizes them into action and influences public opinion is what’s even more important.


Are you:

  • struggling to position your personal brand and build credibility?

o             struggling to gain brand awareness which means less market share?

  • struggling with constantly justifying your prices and/ or charges to clients?

o             struggling to connect the pieces of your brand story with your life purpose?

  • struggling with how to promote your brand values, brand vision and brand voice?

“Brand Yourself! And Jump the Q! Your personal brand should reflect your abilities and potential.”, says, Rachel Quilty, Personal Brand Strategist & Chief Dream-caster at Jump the Q Inc. Known as ‘the Authority’ on personal branding and author of must- have instructional manual ‘Brand Yourself’ Rachel shares her strategies, tactics and tips in this personal branding blueprint. Start now

So you can …

… become crystal clear about your life and brand purpose, your calling and your path!

… leverage your personal brand to become a recognized authority in your field!

… discover how productivity explodes as you become strategic, purposeful and intentional around your brand design, communication plan and engagement activities!

Jump the Q will assist you to strategically and systematically build your professional profile and leverage your authentic personal brand to become the recognized authority in your industry.

…STOP Failing to Own Your Brand Story, Your Expertise and Your Authority and START to Intentionally Focus on Your Brand, Establishing Brand Leadership And Differentiating Your Brand In The Marketplace … Grab your free personal branding blueprint full of strategies, tactics and action steps and start your personal brand story today.

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Remember, immediately go and grab your copy of Jump the Q’s FREE strategic brand blueprint and work journal: 

We look forward to sharing your personal brand story with you.

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